«European Journal of Medicine» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-3434

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

2 September 14, 2017

1. Lava Vitae, Ignat Ignatov
Biophysical Research of ZEOLITH detox and ZEOLITH Creme of the Company

European Journal of Medicine, 2017, 5(2): 31-42.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2017.2.31CrossRef

We studied the mathematical model of interaction with water of natural mineral and microporous crystalline mineral ZEOLITH detox and ZEOLITH Creme of LavaVitae Company (Austria). In this report are submitted data about the interaction of ZEOLITH detox and ZEOLITH Crème with water, obtained by non-equilibrium (NES) and differential-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES) of water. The average energy (ΔEH... O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of ZEOLITH detox with water measured by NES- and DNES-methods is ΔE=-0.0034±0.0011 eV for ZEOLITH detox. The average energy (ΔEH... O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of ZEOLITH detox with water measured by NES- and DNES-methods is ΔE=-0.0034±0.0011 eV for ZEOLITH detox. The average energy (ΔEH... O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of ZEOLITH detox with water measured by NES- and DNES-methods is ΔE=-0.007±0.0011 eV for ZEOLITH Creme. These results suggest the restructuring of ΔEH... O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. The research is performed for ZEOLITH detox with study of pH and oxidative reduction potential (ORP).

URL: http://ejournal5.com/journals_n/1509712627.pdf
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2. Ignat Ignatov
Research with Model Systems in Biophysics and Biochemistry of Bioinfluence of Dimitar Risimanski

European Journal of Medicine, 2017, 5(2): 43-55.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2017.2.43CrossRef

This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods and approaches for registering of various non-ionizing radiation (NIR) wave types of the human body in the electromagnetic and optical range. Many types of NIR (electromagnetic waves, infrared radiation, thermo radiation, bioluminescence) emitted from the human body were reviewed. In particular the results on of spontaneous biophoton emission and delayed luminescence from the human body are submitted along with infrared thermography (IRT) results. It was shown that 1 cm2 of skin generally emits 85 photones for 1s. The intensity of biophoton emission ranges from 10−19 to 10−16 W/cm2 (approx. 1–1000 photons.cm-2.s-1). The specific photon emission from part of the human thumb was detected as a spectrum of various colors with the method of Color coronal spectral analysis on a device with an electrode made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET hostafan) with applied electric voltage 15 kV, electric impulse duration 10 s, and electric current frequency 15 kHz. It was established that photons corresponding to a red color emission of visible electromagnetic spectrum have energy at 1.82 еV. The orange color of visible electromagnetic spectrum has energy at 2.05, yellow – 2.14, blue-green (cyan) – 2.43, blue – 2.64, and violet – 3.03 eV. The reliable result measurement norm was at E ≥ 2.53 eV, while the spectral range of the emission was within 380–495 nm and 570–750 nm±5 nm. Also were estimated some important physical characteristics (energy of hydrogen bonds, wetting angle, surface tension) of water by the methods of non-equilibrium energy (NES) and differential non-equilibrium energy (DNES) spectrum of water, that helps understand in general how electromagnetic radiation interacts with water and establish the structural characteristics of water.

URL: http://ejournal5.com/journals_n/1509712720.pdf
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3. Nozim N. Khoshimov, K.E. Nasirov
Action of Cytisinum on the Transport Mediators and Calcium Channel of Glutamatergic Neurotransmitter Systems of the NMDA Receptor

European Journal of Medicine, 2017, 5(2): 56-63.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2017.2.56CrossRef

Background: The purpose of this study was the effect of the alkaloid Cytisinum regulation of the calcium channels of brain synaptosomes in rats. This enables the regulation of the transport of mediator’s glutamatergic neurotransmitter receptors. Methods: The study was carried out using the Weilers method. Synaptosomes were isolated from the brain of rats by a two-step centrifugation method. The entire isolation procedure was carried out at 4°C. To measure the amount of cytosolic Ca2+ synaptosomes were calculated by the Grinkevich equation. Results: Increase in the concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) caused by glutamate, primarily due to activation of membrane permeability, movement of Ca2+ into the cell and release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Cytisinum does not compete with glutamate for the binding site. Perhaps the effect of Cytisinum is due to the interaction with the ion channels of NMDA receptors. Cytisinum is able to interact with the glutamate binding site of the NMDA receptor and allosteric modulating sites located on the membrane of the ion channels. In these studies it was shown that in the presence of Cytisinum, the inhibitory effect of magnesium ions (10 μM) is not observed. This is probably due to competition between Mg2+ and Cytisinum over sites that stimulate the opening of ion channels. Perhaps there is a competition between Cytisinum and nifedipine for the site of regulation of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels. Conclusion: The action of the alkaloid of Cytisinum is due to the interaction with the ion channels of NMDA receptors. Cytisinum is able to interact with the glutamate binding site of the NMDA receptor and the allosteric modulating sites. There is competition between Mg2+ and Cytisinum over sites that stimulate the opening of ion channels and in nifedipine for the site of regulation of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels.

URL: http://ejournal5.com/journals_n/1509712796.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal5.com/journals_n/1509712836.pdf
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