«European Journal of Medicine» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-3434

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 December 25, 2024


1. Evgenii D. Adamovich
Towards Lens-Less Qualimetry of Pulled Patch Pipettes for Molecular Cytology, Personalized and Molecular Medicine and Theranostics (Review)

European Journal of Medicine. 2024. 12(1): 3-36.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2024.1.3CrossRef

The quality control of glass micro-pipettes is of utmost importance in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of patch-clamp and voltage clamp experiments in cellular electrophysiology. These experiments involve the measurement of electrical currents across cell membranes, and the precision of the micro-pipettes used directly impacts the quality of data obtained. Glass micro-pipettes are commonly used in patch-clamp and voltage clamp techniques to access individual cells. These pipettes are carefully pulled and shaped to achieve the desired tip diameter and resistance, which are crucial parameters for successful experiments. A high-quality micro-pipette ensures a proper seal with the cell membrane, allowing for accurate voltage control and measurement of ion currents. To maintain the quality of micro-pipettes, several factors need to be considered. The glass used should have consistent properties to ensure uniformity among pipettes. The manufacturing process should be carefully controlled to minimize variations in tip size and shape, as these factors affect the success rate of obtaining a stable seal with the cell membrane. Regular quality checks are essential to identify any defects or inconsistencies in the micro-pipettes. This can involve visual inspection under a microscope (as we can say, it is good idea to use the CCD-based lens-less microscopes developed by O.V. Gradov for this aims) to detect imperfections, such as cracks or irregularities in the glass. Additionally, measuring the resistance of the pipettes using appropriate equipment helps ensure they fall within the desired range for specific experimental requirements. By maintaining strict quality control measures for glass micro-pipettes, researchers can enhance the reliability and reproducibility of patch-clamp and voltage clamp experiments. Consistent and accurate results not only contribute to advancing our understanding of cell physiology/electrophysiology but also enable the development of new therapeutic strategies and treatments for various diseases. By ensuring the reliability and accuracy of these tools, researchers can confidently investigate the intricate electrical properties of cells and contribute to scientific progress in the molecular medicine field.

URL: https://ejm.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1736336929.pdf
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2. Evgenii Adamovich, Oleg V. Gradov
Towards Lens-Less Qualimetry of Pulled Patch Pipettes for Molecular Cytology, Personalized and Molecular Medicine and Theranostics (Technical and Methodical Notes)

European Journal of Medicine. 2024. 12(1): 37-61.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2024.1.37CrossRef

This article is the second part of a series of practical articles on optical flaw detections in glass patch pipettes, begun by the publication of the review "Towards Lens-Less Qualimetry of Pulled Patch Pipettes for Molecular Cytology, Personalized and Molecular Medicine and Theranostics (Review)" (European Journal of Medicine. 2024. 12(1): 3-36).

URL: https://ejm.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1736336971.pdf
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Letters to the Editorial Office

3. Anvar M. Mamadaliev
A Short Biographical Sketch Dedicated to the 245th Anniversary of the Birth of the Russian Doctor of Medicine Yakov Ivanovich Govorov (1779–1828/1831)

European Journal of Medicine. 2024. 12(1): 62-67.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2024.1.62CrossRef

The article highlights some vital and creative aspects of the activities of the famous Russian physician and medical science theorist Yakov Ivanovich Govorov (1779–1828). The materials of this study were the works of the scientist himself, as well as biographical studies about him. The research methods used were historiographical and biographical methods, as well as the synthesis method. Having received high-quality education from young and active practicing surgeons (in particular, I.F. Bush) and having shown excellent academic results, being distinguished by diligence, efficiency and energy, creative critical mind, Govorov was able to prove himself as a military doctor, providing medical care at the highest level (in particular, to General Bagration). He was distinguished by his fruitful scientific activity, leaving behind a number of works on medicine, many of which became the “reference books” of internists and military field surgeons. In his writings, he did not hesitate to criticize well-known Western medical scientists, proving the advantages of Russian science. Govorov can rightfully be called the founder of the theory of tactical medicine, as he was one of the first to formulate and structure knowledge on the provision of emergency first aid on the battlefield and subsequent hospital therapy.

URL: https://ejm.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1736337014.pdf
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4. Theodor С. Orekhov, Oleg V. Gradov
Top-Down Ramanomics Instrumentation Overview: from Quantitative Ramanomics with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Intraoperative Point-of-Care Testing Applications to Molecular Optical Laser Examiners. Part I (Bibliographic Review)

European Journal of Medicine. 2024. 12(1): 68-96.
DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2024.1.68CrossRef

This review paper provides a retrospective analysis of ranomics technologies and their methodological predecessors, ranging from modern quantitative ranomics using deep convolutional neural networks (used for intraoperative and point-of-care diagnostics) to the Molecular Optical Laser Examiners (MOLE) of the 1970s. The first part of the review examines the current directions of this trend, while the second part presents the achievements of the earlier period. The first review part pays the special attention to applications of ramanomics for diagnostics of "supramolecular pathologies", mechanisms of apoptosis, parabiosis, oncogenesis, redox pathologies (as well as effects of active oxygen species on cells and tissues), damages of the blood-brain barrier and neurotraumas affecting the cytoarchitectonics of the brain (or, more broadly, the architecture of neuronal connectomes). A number of works are indicated that allow us to speak about Raman analysis for spectral comparative pathological organellography of the cytoplasm. Also information is given on the integrability of ramanomics with methods of mass-spectrometric mapping of biomedical samples (i.e. RaMALDI), including for MALDI-biotyping tasks for clinical microbiology applications.

URL: https://ejm.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1736851546.pdf
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URL: https://ejm.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1736851560.pdf
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